Make no mistake, Mr Trump is a horror to me. I am a liberal, almost a socialist in some areas, like health care for all!!
Bur Mr Trump is also an American "event" . He fits in our history as unfortunate as that is to say. He pulled together the "tea party" so called patriots, the very religious, the gun lovers and the white supremacists in a coalition. We has a black president, we were about to have a female president. All who opposed these events found a common cause, and are now bed-fellows with Mr Trump.
The USA is on a path to become a diverse and tolerant society. But we are, as someone once said, a civilization without a culture. When our culture is born, I am certain that it will be diverse, tolerant and welcoming. I was optimistic it would be in my lifetime, now I am not so sure. But got to stay hopeful. I am uncertain as to who will lead the anti-Trump movement in the 2020 election. No one is emerging now, because it is a long time until 2020, enough time to get wounded beyond recovery by the "tweetings." I am hoping for a wiccan transgender Latina, but let us see what the meta-verse spews forth for us. :)